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Monthly Archives: January 2018


How Doses Influence Drug Toxicology: Pharmacodynamics

Studying the effects drugs have on the body, known as pharmacodynamics, is particularly important to drug toxicologists. In this next article of our Drug Driving series, a drug toxicologist will explain everything you need to know about what drugs do to your body. What Does Pharmacodynamics Mean? Unlike the study…


How Does Pharmacokinetics Influence Drug Toxicology

In this installment of our series on drug driving, we will be investigating the study of pharmacokinetics and how it is used during the drug toxicology process. What Does Pharmacokinetics Mean? Pharmacokinetics is a subcategory of pharmacology that is interested in what the body does to drugs. Like germs or…


How Do Drug Toxicologists Use Pharmacology?

Driving under the influence of drugs is a criminal offence. Often, drug toxicologists are required to use their knowledge of pharmacology to find out what drugs an impaired driver took, as well as the properties and reactions of the drugs. What Is Pharmacology? Pharmacology is often incorrectly used as a…

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Recent Blog Articles

Younes & Tallieu Achieve $5.7M Federal Court Victory in Toxicology Dispute

Joseph Younes & Olivier Tallieu snag a $5.7 million win for a deserving client in a very tough case in San Diego Federal Court. The case came down to the toxicological evidence. The Plaintiff’s attorneys with good sense chose Okorie Okorocha, M.S., M.S., ESQ., who has actual formal education in…

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Landmark Victory in Tenant Rights Case: Jury Awards $2 Million Settlement

Okorie Okorocha was pivotal in securing a landmark victory in a tenant rights case, where the jury awarded a $1.3 million verdict and punitive damages. The punitive damages were settled for an additional $700,000 for a total stipulated judgment of $2 million.  In a David and Goliath legal battle spanning…

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Simpson Rips Jones

Publishing Original Scientific Research In 1997, Dr. Simpson was searching the scientific literature on alcohol and discovered several irregularities in work by AW Jones. An article published by Jones and Neri [1] in 1991 stated that the experimental work was reported in an earlier article published by Kelly, Myrsten, Neri,…

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