Monthly Archives: June 2020

The Process Of Analyzing Data In Forensic Toxicology
Forensic toxicology is a complex field revolving around the use of toxins, chemicals, and poisons, particularly pertaining to instances of crime or even death. It is important to understand the role that data can play in the outcomes of court cases where forensic toxicology comes into play. Understanding Data In…

When To Hire An Expert Witness
In the simplest terms, an expert witness is a person who testifies in a trial because of their vast knowledge in a subject or field that is pertinent to the case. There are only five significant categories of expert witnesses: financial, forensic, medical, mental health, and vocational. However, within each…

Forensic Toxicology: Detection & Classification Of Drugs
Did you know that forensic toxicology can be a beneficial asset in a court case by bringing forward scientifically analyzing biological samples? Where the likes of DUIs and urine testing can result in mishaps and unfair prison sentences, forensic toxicology uses improved tools and technologies to achieve highly accurate results….