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Expert Witness

Okorie OkorochaOkorie Okorocha is a Forensic Toxicologist and expert witness that is widely recognized in his field of work. He has obtained two Master’s Degrees in toxicology and pharmacology. Okorie has served as a forensic toxicology expert witness in more than 440 trials and has relevant experience in court as a drug and alcohol expert witness. By ensuring that the jury understands the multifaceted nature of scientific concepts, Okorie has been able to successfully serve as an expert witness.

What is an expert witness?

An expert witness is a credible subject matter expert in a specific field. In the case of forensic toxicology, Okorie Okorocha is that expert. Utilizing his background in toxicology and pharmacology as well as his knowledge of the judicial system, he is able to provide expert testimony on drug and alcohol related cases.

There are two kinds of expert witnesses. Those who only provide factual evidence and those who provide factual evidence along with their professional experience on the matter. Okorie will not only provide factual evidence in cases but can also provide his professional opinion as an expert on the case.

What will an expert witness do?

  • Act as an independent expert source of information on their subject matter.
  • Deliver an opinion before the court if necessary.
  • Ensure that the jury understands the complex scientific concepts of the case.
  • Ensure that all data provided is compliant and that proper procedure is carried out.
  • Remain impartial when delivering the facts of the case as well as when giving their opinion on the data.

What won’t an expert witness do?

  • Act as your legal counsel.
  • An expert witness will not give you advice.
  • Accept any case in which there is a conflict of interest.

What makes a good expert witness?

A good expert witness needs to have the relevant criteria and qualifications in order to be successful.

  • Education, experience and training

    An individual who has graduated from a recognized tertiary institution as well as have relevant experience and training in the field. Okorie Okorocha is board certified by the NBTA.

  • Academic publications and key note speeches

    Has published work in scientific journals or spoken at conferences regarding the subject matter.

  • Awards or grants

    Has received awards or grants to continue their research in their field of expertise. Okorie has received the distinction of being one of the top 100 lawyers

  • Communication skills

    It is vital that an expert witness is able to communicate effectively while testifying in court. Having served as an expert witness in more than 280 cases, Okorie has shown that he is able to effectively act an expert witness on drug and alcohol related cases.

expert-witness-californiaWhen do you need an expert witness?

It is necessary for a subject matter expert to review the case data if there is a dispute regarding evidence for the case. If your attorney is uncertain about any aspect of your case, you will need to hire a forensic toxicology expert witness. An expert will be able to correctly analyze and interpret the data of the case and can provide a professional opinion on the validity of the evidence. Evidence results can be affected when it is contaminated or if the incorrect procedure was used. An expert witness will be able to see the truth of the matter and provide your attorney with the necessary information as well as testify in court about his findings.

How do you hire an expert witness?

Find out if you need a professional to analyze and interpret any data for your case. If you do need the help of an expert witness to ensure that all data given to the correct is correct and that opposing counsel is not trying to use contaminated or flawed evidence to win the case against you.

In order to utilize the services of an expert witness, your attorney will need to be the one to approach him and have him put on a retainer. You are not allowed to approach the expert witness directly. Remember, you will still be paying the retainer that the expert charges.

Utilizing the services of an expert witness to substantiate any claims made in court, will have a positive impact on your case. If you need to utilize the services of an expert witness, look no further than , Forensic Toxicologist. For more information on the services offered, speak with one of our experts today at (424) 363-3347.

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