Monthly Archives: November 2017

Influencing Factors On Hair Drug Tests
Today, there are tools and technologies that help assess the influence of drugs on the human body. One way to measure the effects of toxicological influences is through hair drug tests. The analysis of biological samples for the presence of toxins, such as hair drug tests, can be used in…

How Real Is Toxicology Testing On TV
Television communicates a rather interesting narrative on how toxicology tests are conducted. On television, toxicology testing can appear glamorous, easy, and efficient. The truth is, toxicology testing reality is far from the elegant forensic portrayal on television. What Is Toxicology Testing? Toxicology tests are processes used to check for drugs,…

Types Of Drug Tests In The 21st Century
There is an increasing demand for toxicology data in the 21st century. With the number of types of drug tests available, many institutions and companies insist on drug tests before hiring or accepting a candidate. Traditional vitro methods of drug testing are not always feasible or time efficient. With the…