Monthly Archives: January 2017

The Cost of a DUI
The Impact of Alcohol Testing Alcohol testing has been used by law enforcement for many years in order to validate whether someone has been drinking alcohol before or while driving. The breathalyser is the most well-known tool that is used for this purpose, and a DUI is issued to an…

The Hair Print
Hair Testing in the Twenty-First Century Evidence at a crime scene has for many years been dependant on DNA evidence amongst other less significant evidence, such as clues, circumstantial evidence, as well as protein-based evidence. The use of hair testing in the solving of crime is beginning to take an…

Drug Facilitated Crimes – Analytical Considerations Part 1
Forensic Toxicology: Preferred strategies for DFCs Drug facilitated crimes (DFCs) and drug facilitated sexual assaults (DFSAs) represent some of the most challenging cases for those who work in the field of forensic toxicology. The investigation of these crimes requires forensic toxicologists to determine whether an ingested substance may have contributed…